We believe in God as Creator and Caretaker; in Jesus Christ as divine Savior and Lord; and in the Holy Spirit as God present and work everywhere in creation.
Human beings disobey God, like Adam and Eve, and are in need of spiritual rebirth.
God initiates salvation, sending the Holy Spirit to all persons, calling them to repentance and faith. They have a choice of acceptance or rejection. “Whoever believes” is redeemed. We are not, nor have we ever been, Predestinarian.
Persons are set into right relations with God by faith, and not by works. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace, not something earned or merited.
Once God makes a covenant with persons, and they with God, they will never totally fall away from the state of grace, nor withdraw permanently from God. God never forsakes them, and continually works to maintain the relationship.
Beginning Christians are like babes in Christ - they have only just been born. All Christians need to grow continually throughout their years in the capacity to receive God’s grace, and in the ability to live the Christian life.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church considers itself to be a part of the Holy Universal Church, consisting of all who have made covenant with God through Jesus Christ. We are not sectarian. We are one of many communions who belong to God.
The Sacraments are celebrations of the covenant in which Christ mysteriously is present and active. We accept two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Through God’s presence, work and will, they are made effective. The elements of water, fruit of the vine and the bread are only signs and symbols and remain what they are. The sacraments are not essential to salvation, but are necessary means of grace. The Sacraments are central to Christian worship.
Baptism symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It marks membership in the church. It is administered to infants whose parent(s) are members of the covenant community. It is also administered to those who affirm personal faith in Jesus Christ and have not received the sacrament. Pouring or sprinkling are generally accepted modes of baptism; however, the validity of this Sacrament does not depend on the mode. We accept baptism of those who have been immersed.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated frequently but not every Sunday. Bread (leavened or unleavened) and the fruit of the vine are usually used. Some congregations use wine. All believers are welcomed at the Table. In some congregations the children partake of this sacrament.
The holy scriptures are the infallible rule of faith and practice, the authoritative guide for Christian living. The holy scriptures are the sixty-six books contained in the Old and New Testaments.
We do not believe in the natural immortality of the soul. Eternal life is a gift from God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We are raised with him through our conversion. Eternal life is a living relation with God (John 17:3) which continues more completely after death when full redemption shall be ours in the resurrection of the body.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church accepts what the Bible says about heaven and hell, though the Confession of Faith speaks but briefly about them. There is a divergence of opinions concerning these concepts.
There is no full statement in the Confession of Faith about the Last Days and the Second Coming of Christ. No speculation is done about the time and manner of these events.
However, Cumberland Presbyterians declare in the final words of the Confession of Faith. “In the consummation of history, at the coming of Jesus Christ, the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.” - Morris Pepper